Wild Garlic (Allium usinum) This herb was well known to the Celts, Teutonic tribes and ancient Romans. They gave this unassuming,wild plant of the lily family the name herba salutaris, "healing herb".
Wild Garlic should be eaten fresh in the spring, before the plant starts to bloom. Take a handful to eat with bread or add it to your salad. Wild Garlic cleanses the blood and intestines. It improves the intestinal flora and is effective against acne, fungus and eczema. It lowers high blood pressure, fights arteriosclerosis, and increases the body's immune system.
Wild Garlic in Olive Oil To have your Fountain of Youth available all through the year, harvest the leaves prior to blooming. Cut leaves into small pieces, put them in a bottle with a wide neck and add cold-pressed olive oil. Close and protect from light. Take one tablespoon daily.
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